The Rise of Pakistan’s Technology Sector

The Rise of Pakistan’s Technology Sector

During the last couple of years, there has been phenomenal development in the technology sector of Pakistan as the country is gradually transforming into an emerging hub for innovation and digital entrepreneurship. Such transformation is basically led by some critical drivers that include an improving security situation, increased mobile connectivity, and considerable changes to legal and regulatory frameworks.

#### Improving Security and Investment Climate

Historically, instability and violence had posed a big problem in Pakistan, scaring off the international investor. This condition has, however, improved security, ushering in foreign investment anew. Terrorist activities dwindle along with a fence constructed along the Afghanistan border. This stabilizes the environment that brings in major investment, particularly from China as part of its Belt and Road Initiative ¹.

Digital Adoption and Mobile Connectivity

Indeed, mobile connectivity in Pakistan has increased by leaps and bounds, ushering in nothing short of a revolution in the country’s technology sector. The large population-which is over 220 million strong, with almost two-thirds being under the age of 30-created, for the first time, a gigantic young market, eager to use digital solutions wherever they were made available. Inexpensive smartphones and access to the internet ensured that these services, including e-commerce and fintech, among others, continued to spread their wings.

#### Legal and Regulatory Reforms

Far-reaching legal and regulatory reforms go a long way in strengthening this ecosystem. The year 2002 was to prove a defining year for the cause of science and technology in Pakistan when, under the able stewardship of Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman, the Higher Education Commission – HEC – was born. The HEC introduced broad measures to enhance the quality of higher education and research². These reforms included stringent evaluation of Ph.D. theses, plagiarism checks, and establishment of Quality Enhancement Cells in universities².

#### The Startup Ecosystem

The startup ecosystem has picked up pace, and the local and international investors show keen interest. Pakistani startups raised more money in 2021 compared to a collective five years¹. This has been very significant in supporting innovative startups on health tech, edtech, and agritech.

#### Notable Achievements

Among the many wonders Pakistan has achieved in this sector is the fact that it boasts of the second scientist from a Muslim country to win a Nobel Prize: Abdus Salam². The first IT policy and implementation strategy laid the foundation for development of the IT sector², approved in 2000. The technical landscape was further strengthened by programs like Intel’s nation-wide initiative in order to train school teachers in Information and Communication Technologies².

Future Prospects

The future is indeed bright for the technology sector in Pakistan. Much more investment in education and infrastructure, coupled with relevant regulatory support, can place the nation at the cutting edge of the fast-evolving world of technology. A mix of a young, technology-savvy population and an enabling climate for investment renders Pakistan an attractive destination not only for technology entrepreneurs but for investors as well.

In Pakistan, for that matter, development in the technology sector goes ahead unobstructed. Where the country will be able to move further to adopt digital transformation, it will unlock new opportunities and greater heights in the global technology landscape.


What interest have you got regarding Pakistan’s tech sector?

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 8/28/2024
(1) Pakistan’s growing tech ecosystem is finally taking off.
(2) Science and technology in Pakistan – Wikipedia.
(3) Pakistan’s growing tech ecosystem is finally taking off.
(4) Latest Technology News, Tech News Pakistan | The Express Tribune.
(5) 20 reasons why Pakistan’s Technology Industry is much more. – TechJuice.

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