Asia vs. USA: The Battle for Technological Supremacy 1. China’s Rise in Innovation

Sure! Let’s enter into the exciting world of technological competition between Asia and the USA. ????

## **Asia vs. USA: The Tussle for Technological Supremacy**

### **1. China on the Ascendancy into Innovation**

In the past few decades, China has emerged as a global powerhouse in innovation and technology. Some important indicators are that China has surpassed U.S. overall innovation output and is quickly catching up on a proportional basis.¹ Some of the salient points that have to be noted are:

– **Innovation Output**: The march of China in advancing innovation indicators, particularly in catch-up innovation where it is excelling, and frontier innovation, which is a matter of unknowns, is barely less than remarkable.
– **Advanced Technologies**: In areas such as supercomputers, high-speed rail, and 5G wireless technology, China has pulled ahead of the rest of the world.
– **Made in China 2025**: The strategic framework of China lays a path that turns this erstwhile imitator into an actual innovator.

### **2. Southeast Asia’s Place in the Landscape**

The Southeast Asian countries position themselves within this landscape in the following ways:

– **Policy Choices**: Whereas small and medium-size states in Southeast Asia have chosen varied policy courses in relation to the Chinese tech firms, specifically Huawei.
– **Maneuvering Space**: These economies achieve growth and productivity in technology with an ever-balancing geopolitics⁴.

### **3. U.S. Response**

The challenge for the United States remains to retain global technology leadership:

– **Technical Standards**: Recent years have seen the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology emphasize that the United States must meet the challenge to contain Chinese dominance in future technologies through the art of standards⁵.

These dynamics of this competition between Asia and the USA have to be understood in terms of their global developmental implications. After all, these trends are very important for the policymakers, companies, and people themselves. ????????

Source: Chat with Copilot, 8/24/2024
(1) Wake Up, America: China Is Overtaking the United States in Innovation.
(2) ASEAN and the Tech Influence War between China and the US. https.
(4) U.S.-China Technology Competition and the Multilayered. – Springer.
(5) Southeast Asian Responses to U.S.-China Tech Competition. – Springer.

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